Monday, May 13, 2024

Day 128 of 148 - DAKAR, SENEGAL

 Date: 5/12/2024  Day 128   Port Day: DAKAR, SENEGAL

Description: Experience the rhythm and vibrancy of Dakar with its bustling open-air markets, historical colonial architecture and French influences. Visit the African Renaissance Monument standing taller than the Statue of Liberty. Look for embroidered cloth, lace, and silk to turn into traditional robes called boubou. Try bissap, the local tea made with hibiscus, sugar and water. Browse through the gallery and gardens of L’Institut Francais. Savor a café au lait and pastry as you revel in the syncopated rhythm of this dynamic city.

Planned Excursion: HIGHLIGHTS OF DAKAR

4.0 Hours   Light Activity   #DAK-003

Capture dynamic photos at the busy Kermel Market and the neoclassical Presidential Palace.  View Dakar highlights such as Our Lady of Victories Cathedral, the Médina district and the Dakar Grand Mosque.  Gaze at the arresting Gate of the Third Millennium and take in breathtaking vistas from an ideally placed lookout.  Stroll the Soumbedioune Market in search of vibrant art and local handicrafts.  Observe the affluent Fann Corniche district and a university library built in the International Style.  Appreciate the creative use of sand as art at the Sand Painting Gallery, perhaps purchasing an eye-catching canvas for yourself.

Today's Notes: Today was the worst experience yet of all the excursions we have taken this far.  Cathy and myself only got off the bus once of the 4 hours spent on the bus.  Joe Rawson did get off the bus a few more times.  Pat Rawson remained onboard for the entire day.  

Most of the sites listed in the description above were drive byes.  Those that got off the bus at our first stop, a wet fish market, reported appalling conditions and smells that turned their stomachs. They couldn't wait to get back on the bus.  That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the excursion.  The city as a whole was very dirty and buildings in states of disrepair.   Most new construction appeared to be progressing slowly or not at all, abandoned with squatters living inside.  

I really wanted to see and perhaps say a few prayers at Our Lady of Victories Cathedral.  After getting off the bus we discovered the gate closed and locked.  This being Sunday it was surprising the church was already closed for the day when we arrived at 2 PM.   

It was unclear at the Dakar Grand Mosque (trip advisor pictures) whether we would be able to go inside.  Our guide, who was not very good, indicated we would only be stopping for 10 minutes for outside photos.  We remained onboard.  To the guides surprise that those that did get off the bus, they were met by security guards.  They offered an inside tour and gave the necessary coverings.  Those that went inside did report a very beautiful Mosque.  

Worthwhile stops were the last two,  African Renaissance Monument and Sand Painting demonstration and Gallery.  

Please check back for photo's.  I have a few and Joe Rawson has some that he need's to share with me.  

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